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Cars for all drives of life

The automobiles available here have been developed keeping utility and efficiency in mind. The different models caters to a varied audience, be it a patrolling policeman or an avid golfer. While each vehicle has its own unique functionality, optimum standards of quality, safety and comfort have been maintained in all of them. Whether you’re cruising through the vast expanse of a golf course or arriving at an elite party dressed in style, you will never feel out of place again.

Contrary to what some people might think, golf cars are not confined to golf courses anymore these days. It might seem weird initially, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. Golf cars are becoming increasingly okay and acceptable to run on certain town roads across the country, plus they are cheaper than regular vehicles, and they have a decent gas mileage with most not even requiring fuel at all and instead runs on electricity charge and batteries – which makes it a perfectly viable transportation option.

These days, golf cars are available in a variety of designs, with a different number of features and functions, so its no wonder that more and more people and companies are using them. Here are a few popular places and applications for golf cars today:

Here at Golf Cars Unlimited, we offer a wide range of golf vehicles fit for every need – from personal use in the community, to commercial and utility use in resorts and campgrounds.